Las Cabrillas Pass Look-out Point, La Iglesuela del Cid


On the right of the A-2706 road. La Iglesuela del Cid


964 443 325 / 651 611 731 - Tourist Office

The rugged and barren landscape of the plateau at Las Cabrillas Pass is characterised by the fractured limestone bedrock that is unable to retain humidity, and is exposed to an extreme climate where only solitary specimens of juniper subsist. As we go downhill, the vegetation becomes denser, with some holm oaks and small isolated oak woods as well as pine woods. Fields are restricted to more fertile and accessible soils, while the unending succession of hillsides terraced with stone walls succumb to abandonment and are colonised by shrubs as they wait to be once more transformed into a forest.

From the attractive look-out point, travellers on the Way of El Cid will discover a unique landscape, where the rock gains an importance that goes beyond geology and is seen everywhere in the marks that human activity has left on the terrain over the centuries: dry-stone walls, shepherds’ cabins and huts, snow wells, field boundaries, terraces, … and countless farmhouses and abandoned villages that were unable to resist the yoke of modernity that has been imposed since the second half of the 20th century.

Once more on the road, flanking some sections that coincide with the historical route, a series of stones parallel to the road used to help walkers and travellers to find the way on days of mist or snow.

  • Access by car: the look-out point is signposted, on the right of the A-2706 road (from La Iglesuela to Portell de Morella) near Kilometre 3.7 at Las Cabrillas Pass.
  • Access for people with limited mobility: the look-out point is fully adapted both in its access and in the presentation of information (braille, QR with audios).
  • Legal protection: it is in the Maestrazgo Cultural Park and the scenery of dry-stone walls is designated a Property of Cultural Interest and Intangible World Heritage by UNESCO. 
  • Seasonality: it can be visited at any time of the year.
  • Recommendations, what to see and do: travellers should visit the town of La Iglesuela del Cid, which is one of the most important historical-artistic centres in the Maestrazgo.

Rev.: PAB 10.05.23