Morella Defensive Walls

Morella, province of Castellón. In 1083 El Cid attacked Morella Castle, although he was forced to retreat / Diputación de Castellón.

The walls surround the city. Morella


964 173 032 - Tourist Info

Walled enclosure from the 14th century. It has a series of towers and gateways.

The walls actually date back to the 14th century. The most important part of the wall was built during the reign of Pedro el Ceremonioso on top of the ancient Arabian walls, although they were in turn changed in subsequent centuries. The wall was erected to protect the whole town and not just the castle. Aparisi Joan, the wall architect began building in 1330. It has a series of towers along its length, including Públic, la Nevera, el Trinquet, Sant Miquel, la Redona, de la Font, la Villa, Alòs, Beneyto, Sant Mateu, del Sol, de Fredes, del Forcall, del Carraixet, la Pólvora, del Rei, Estudis, San Francesc and Celoquia tower which is no longer standing, in the castle's Arms Courtyard. Of these, only the tower of Sant Miquel, which houses the Palaeontological Museum, is open to visitors.

Source: Spain Info        

Visit: Free visit. 

Rev.: JGG 05.11.18