The gates of the walled city of Huesa del Común
978 810 201 - City Council
Only three of the original gates of the walled city of Ossa (Huesa del Común), which were built adjacent to the castle, remain standing: Portal de San Miguel, the western Portal and the Portal de la Virgen del Pilar, which is the most outstanding of all three gates. It has an ogive arch at one of the entrances and three pointed arches which surround the open chapel in the virgin’s honour.
According to El Cantar de Mío Cid, El Cid established himself in Alucant (Olocau del Rey or Gallocanta, depending on the versions) 10 months after having left Burgos. For ten days he carried out raids, plundering the area surrounding Huesa del Común and Montalbán. The raids were not launched to conquer this region, which is why El Cid is symbolically connected to one of the entrance gates to the old wall of Huesa, in the outskirts of the town.
Rev. PAB 27.12.18