Asistentes a la presentación de la serie documental sobre el Camino del Cid

The stand of the Spanish region of Aragon at FITUR -the Madrid International Tourism Fair (Spain)-, has been the place chosen to present the 13-episode documentary series "El Camino del Cid: Diary of a cyclist" broadcast by La 2 on TVE (Spanish public television) every Sunday from 7:45 p.m.

The Tourism deputy of the province of Teruel, Diego Piñeiro, has been in charge of opening this act emphasizing the value of the itinerary: "one of the most important routes in Europe". He also highlighted that the Camino del Cid is a "unique" example of institutional collaboration in Spain - alluding to the eight provincial councils that make up the Camino del Cid Consortium - and pointed out that the route "deserved a series like this".

The director of the documentary, Salvador Ruiz, confessed that the Camino del Cid has been a "very hard" filming experience, not only for the fact of traveling 2,000 kilometers but also for the pre-production and post production works.

For her part, the conductor Ainara Hernando, a journalist specializing in cycling, highlighted the "great experience" of going through this itinerary, inviting attendees to practice cycling. Likewise, she indicated that the recording has been "a life challenge from which I take great memories with me".

The event was attended by the president of the Provincial Council of Soria, Benito Serrano together with the deputy for Tourism, Antonio Pardo, the vice president of the province of Guadalajara, Rubén García, the managing director of the Camino del Cid Consortium, Alberto Luque, along with other provincial representatives.

You can watch the series of this Spanish cycling route through the TVE online platform:

  • Gloria Pérez, directora general de Turismo de Aragón, ha sido la encargada de abrir la presentación de la serie
  • Salvador Ruiz, director de la serie
  • Durante la presentación se ha proyectado el tráiler
  • La presentadora, la periodista especializada en ciclismo, Ainara Hernando, durante su intervención
  • Foto de familia tras la finalización del acto
  • Ainara Hernando junto a los representantes de las diputaciones que forman parte del Consorcio Camino del Cid
  • El diputado de Turismo de Teruel, Diego Piñeiro, junto a Ainara Hernando y Salva Ruiz, director de la serie
  • El presidente de la Diputación de Soria, Benito Serrano, charla con la presentadora
  • Antonio Pardo, diputado de Turismo de Soria (izda.) junto a Ainara Hernando, Salvador Ruiz y el presidente de la diputación soriana, Benito Serrano